Classical school

美 [ˈklæsɪkl skuːl]英 [ˈklæsɪkl skuːl]
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Classical schoolClassical school
  1. The mainland criminal law system falls into the classical school and the modern school .


  2. There are two contrary views of death penalty in criminal classical school .


  3. Classical School of Music in Western Europe : Its Features of Music Composition


  4. Return to classical school : a return to the opposite side of the modern ;


  5. Modern calligraphy field now mainly includes three creation schools : classical school , modern school , and academic school .


  6. Security Measures continue to develop and perfect in debate between the Criminal Classical School and the Criminal Evidence School .


  7. Classical school , Neoclassical school and New institution school have given their own explanation about market competition and monopoly .


  8. This article talks about the close relations between the music composition by classical school of music and folk music .


  9. The theory of security measures is an important battleground for debate between the Criminal Classical School and the Criminal Evidence School .


  10. The evolution and development of free trade theory can be divided into three phases : classical school , contemporary school and the World War Two .


  11. The classical school held that monetary economy can 't affect real economy and therefore the dichotomy is always tenable . J.


  12. Enlightenment thinkers , criminal classical school , criminal modern school and new social defense school after the Second World War all carried out discussion about it .


  13. Classical School , the early Keynesian school , monetarism school and ration expectation school holds the idea that the policy is invalid .


  14. The development of western finance is divided into three stages : finance before classical school , finance of classical school , and various schools of Keynesianism and after Keynesianism .


  15. Objectivism criminal law is a criminal point of view advocated by the classical school as it is to act as the core , so it could be a behaviorist .


  16. The initiation thinkers and the criminal classical school , the criminal real diagnosis school of thought and the new social defense discusses and so on provide penalty mitigation with deep rationale .


  17. The first theoretical basis is labor relations theory , including labor relations strategy theory and the four schools of labor relations : new classical school , the system school , human resource management school and organizational behavior school .


  18. The criminal classical school value the criminal objective behavior , and thought that the penalty must be balanced with the criminal objective behavior and the result , and advocated the balance between crime and punishment principle .


  19. The biggest difference between the two schools is : the Classical school of crime advocates non-determinism ( libertarian ) and the Positivist school of crime will favor will determinism .


  20. Classical School was the earliest ones to research the problem , they considered money was only " the veil which covers the activities of economy ", hence they thought monetary policy was of no availability .


  21. As for penal theory , in the early days of the classical school , some scholars claim intent penal theory , but the majority of the classical school scholars claim retribution penal theory .


  22. The thought of socialization of prison execution originates from criminal classical school and by the last century it has achieved the transformation from idea to practice through the promotion of criminal modern school and social defense school .


  23. The Criminal Individualization was established and developed by the positivist school after the tradition of punishment legally prescribed for a specified crime and of balance between crime and punishment advocated by the classical school .


  24. Classical school , neoclassical school and neoinstitutional school respectively give an explanation of the size and expansion of enterprise from the view on technology market and institution , not covering the respect of enterprise development in changing dynamic environment yet .


  25. After Marshall , Keynes established the macroeconomics , and Paul Anthony Samuelson has colligated the microeconomics of Marshall and the macroeconomics of Keynes to form the New Classical School .


  26. Relevant theories of domestic and oversea endowment insurance are appraised systematically in this chapter on the basis of summarization of practice , and which are regarded as the theories of political economics school , new classical school and finance theory .


  27. As one of basic principles of criminal laws all over the world , the balance between a crime and a punishment has been going through three stages , which include that of the classical school , the positivist school and comprehensive school .


  28. From modern times , with the classical school and the positive school of criminal law successively coming on stage , " person " of the theory of criminal law begins to transfer from " abstract criminal person " to " dangerous individual " .


  29. The criminal classical school which came into being in the background of excessive penalty claims the balance of crime and penalty , the criminal positivist school which engendered with the rising crime phenomenon claims the individualization of penalty .


  30. Historically , the theoretical school of thought on the major taxes , including classical school , Keynesian , monetarist and supply-side , the schools of economics are discussed from different angles , the nature of taxation , characteristics and impact on the economy .
